Timesheet with Overtime Types Batch

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The Time Sheet with Overtime Types report can be linked to the Personal Time sheet applet and will render a physical time sheet that visually is comparable to the entry screen.  The report can accept a date range and an employee and/or project filter.    This can be enabled by selecting the Custom Time sheet Report option in Global Settings in the Time & Expense tab. This report supports using multiple Overtime Types created in Administration> Global Settings> Labels and assigned in Employees> Pay History Tab.






Start Date - Beginning Date used to filter the time sheets that are brought into this report.
End Date - Ending Date used to filter the time sheets that are brought into this report
Project - Allows you to filter to a specific Project. When blank, All Projects are returned.
Employee - Allows you to filter to a specific Employee. When blank, All Employees are returned.



Report Columns

From - Period Start Date for Time Sheet
To - Period End Date for Time Sheet

