Unbilled Summary By Org Unit

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The Unbilled Summary by Org Unit report is useful for companies that want to make general ledger entries to capture WIP. The report has an option to post WIP to the General Journal.


Note1: You must have the PM Bill Review special permission "Can Override Project leader" to post to the general ledger.  


Note2: In order to perform the post you will also need to set up the posting accounts in the Revenue Recognition tab in Global Settings.


Note3: When you choose to post a messages section will appear at the end of the report.  The messages will display the journal entry number if successful otherwise it will display error messages.  The auto-reverse feature in the general journal can be used to reset the values to zero in the next period.


Note4: The report has standard PM Leader restrictions so can be safely used by project managers.





Date Ranges

As of Date - Cut-off Date for transactions to be returned/posted.




Project - When a project is selected, the report will be run for that individual project.  Otherwise all projects will be included.
Include Labor - When selected, Labor WIP will be included (Time Sheets).
Include ODC - When selected, ODC WIP will be included (Purchase, ER, and Disbursement Journals)
Include OCC - When selected, OCC WIP will be included (Purchase, ER, and Disbursement Journals)
Include ICC - When selected, ICC WIP will be included (Purchase, ER, and Disbursement Journals)
Post WIP to General Ledger - When selected, WIP (Transactions with a Bill Status of R or H) will be posted to the general journal.  You must have the PM Bill Review special permission Can Override Project leader to post to the general ledger.
Post to Level - Level for the WIP to be posted to when the entry is created.




Report Columns

Project Code & Name
No Org Unit - Distribution amount going against No Organizational Unit.
Org Unit -  Distribution amount going against an Organizational Unit.
Labor - Distribution amount going against Labor.
ODC - Distribution amount going against ODC (Other Direct Charges).
OCC - Distribution amount going against OCC (Out of Contract Consulting Charges).
ICC - Distribution amount going against ICC (In Contract Consulting Charges).
Total - Total Distribution of WIP.

