User Security Settings

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The User Security Settings report gives you the ability to see the Permission setup of both Users and Groups.


Prompt (Wizard Style)



User or Group Permissions (Required) - Select whether you would like to see the Permission Setup of the Users or Groups
Show Applets - When selected, Applet Permissions are brought into the report.
Show Reports - When selected, Report Permissions are brought into the report.
Show Documents Folders - When selected, Document Folder Permissions (Document Management) are brought into the report.
Group Name (Must select one) - When you are filtering by Group, this box will be enabled, allowing you to filter by a single Permission Group.
Employees (Leave blank for all) - When you are filtering by User, this box will be enabled, allowing you to filter by a single/multiple Users.




Report Columns


Applets Section

Can View - When "Yes", the User/Group has access AND the ability to View data in this applet.
Can Edit - When "Yes", the User/Group has access AND the ability to Edit/Modify data in this applet.
Can Add Can Delete - When "Yes", the User/Group has access AND the ability to Delete data in this applet.
Special Right - Displays Special Rights that have been granted in the specified location.


Reports Section

Report Name - Name of the Report that the User/Group has access to.
Is Custom - When "Yes", the report is not a system report that ships "out-of-the-box" with InFocus.


Document Folder Section

Document Folder - The Name of the Document Folder that the Permissions are referencing.
Can Modify - When "Yes", the User/Group are able to Modify the Documents in the Document Folder.
Is Custom - When "Yes", the Document Folder is not a system Document Folder that ships "out-of-the-box" with InFocus.








User Security Settings Report