Custom Reports Utilities>Custom Reports

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The Custom Reports applet allows the end user to construct Custom Reports (Reports, Data Grids, Actions, Warnings) that will be housed in the application and will appear on the InFocus menus. There are several Custom Reports available out of the box and are designated as System (i.e. Standard custom reports created by Clearview). Please note: Access to this applet is permissions based and knowledge of SQL is required.



Key Concepts

You can find a description of system Custom Reports in the InFocus System Reports chapter of this manual. More on InFocus System Custom Reports
Many of the project related custom reports are designed with project leader security.
oProject Accountants can see all projects.
oPrincipals-In-Charge can see projects where they are the principal or project manager.
oProject Managers can see only projects where they are the project manager.
oEmployees with no job type in their employee setup cannot see any projects.
Access to these reports are granted through the Permissions Tab in Custom Reports, they are granted on the Permissions Tab. More on the Permissions Tab
You are unable to modify the Original version of a report, however, you are able to copy a report and modify it.
There is a Help Center article that talks about these reports. To view that, follow this link: More on Custom Reports


Note - Knowledge of using the Microsoft BIDS tool is required.  All customizations NOT completed by a Clearview technician are NOT supported by Clearview Support.


Customizing a Custom Report

To create a custom Custom Report, first select the report in the Custom Report applet using the list on the left part of the form. These designs, or a previously made custom reports, can be copied.
The Copy function is located in the toolbar menu, click Copy.
When clicked, it will prompt for a report name that must be unique.  Add the name and click OK.
After copying a report, it can be downloaded (Download button located on the toolbar) to a local disk folder and modified using Microsoft Report Designer.
When done, use the Upload function in the Report Management applet to save your design. More on Uploading a report