Alerts Tab Utilities>Dashboard Groups

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The Alerts widget provides a list of predefined notifications (aka Alerts). Alerts are utilized by the Alerts Widget and come in two types- System or Custom. The system Alerts cannot be changed, but may be copied in order to customize in some way.


Key Concepts

To Create New Alerts click Manage>Alerts from the toolbar. The name of the Alert, and the query itself can be specified there. The Alerts widget assumes the first column of the resulting set of data is a string that is itself the alert.


Field Descriptions


Check All - When selected, all of the Alert in the grid will be set to "Allowed".
Allowed - When checked, the item will be available for use when configuring a Dashboard for the Dashboard Group
Alert - List of Alerts that are available for use.
System - When checked, the item is a system item. When unchecked, it is a custom item.


Alerts Descriptions


Below is a description of a sampling of Alerts system alerts:


Warn on Use of At Risk -  An Alert will be generated if a project is assigned to an At Risk client (any client displaying a stop sign in the Warnings tab in client setup).
My Scheduled Projects for Today - This will alert the logged-in user of all projects he or she is scheduled for on the current day.
Accounts Receivable Balances - This alert will display the as of the moment balance in all A/R general ledger accounts.
Accounts Payable Balances  - This alert will display the as of the moment balance in all A/P general ledger accounts.
New Projects Without a Bill Rate Schedule at The top level - This alert will report projects that do not have a bill rate schedule assigned at the project level.
New Receipts for My Projects - The alerts the PM or PIC of new receipts on their projects.
New Sale Invoices for My Projects -  The alerts the PM or PIC of new sales on their projects.
New Consultant Invoices for My Projects -  The alerts the PM or PIC of new consultant invoices on their projects.
Recent Projects Where I Have Been Added as a Team Member -   This alerts the logged in user of projects they have been recently added to as a team member.
Change Orders Waiting Approval - This Alert displays any Change Orders that are waiting for approval in Project Planning.
My New Work Orders - This Alert displays new Work Orders created for the user.
My Processed Expense Sheets - This Alert shows the user when a payment has been made for their expenses.