Server Configuration (Self-Hosted)

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If you're self-hosting InFocus, you'll need to complete server setup to ensure InFocus can communicate with your server. This requires two points of configuration: Server and InFocus setup.


Note! This article is only for firms who self-host InFocus. If you're on InFocus Cloud, you're all set- we take care of this for you.



Server Setup


From the server, you'll configure the document repository.


The document repository can be found in the InFocus installation directory commonly located at C:\Program Files\Clearview Software\InFocus\Client\Documents.


Please ensure the following configuration from your InFocus Server:


1.Browse to the Documents folder within your InFocus installation directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Clearview Software\InFocus\Client\Documents)
2.Establish Modify permissions to the Documents folder for the IIS user. Typically this is Local System, however this can be verified by checking the Log On As user for the World Wide Web Publishing service (services.msc). Alternatively this requirement can be met by granting Modify access to the Everyone user.


InFocus Setup


Document Manager is enabled for InFocus via Global Settings where you'll turn on the feature and establish a connection to the document repository.


Heads up! If you're currently using Document Manager with the Use Legacy Document Management (deprecated) option selected, please Upgrade Document Manager before moving forward.


1.Browse to AD>Global Settings>Document Management tab
2.Click the On button under Document Management Features
3.Select the Use HTTP Document Management (recommended)
4.Enter your InFocus Launch URL, replacing the Document Base URL with your InFocus Launch page URL (e.g. http:// _server_name_/infocus)
5.Click verify
6.You should receive a Verification Succeeded message
7.If so, click Remove Legacy Document Repository Settings



Next: Configuring Document Types