Recent Tab Human Resources>Employees

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Recent Tab displays the hours worked by an employee for each project. This is a simple way for managers to review employee hours worked. Simply set a "Since" date and click the arrow button to display hours.

The top grid is a summary section that displays a total of hours for the project selected.  When you click on the project, you will see the detail of the hours worked in the bottom grid.  With the appropriate permissions, you can click on the Project Path or Timesheet ID to navigate to those locations.



Field Descriptions



Project Path - Project
Name - Project Name
Hours Worked - Total hours worked since the selected "Since" date




Timesheet ID - Internal ID of the time sheet that holds the hours. Click to view the time sheet record.
Work Date - Date of the hours worked
Work Hours - Hours worked
Job Title - Job Title used on the time record
Comments - Timesheet comments