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While defaulting to Auto, standard formatting for measures can be adjusted by selecting Format… from the data item menu drop-down.


For instance, if using a percentage value, you would likely need to change the format to: Percent.


Numbers / Currency


To change the format for numbers or currency:


1.Hover over the field in the Data Items pane
2.Click the data item menu drop-down
3.Select Format…
4.Configure settings as appropriate (see below)
5.Click OK


Format Type - Defaults to Auto. Options include: General, Number, Currency, Scientific, Percent.
Unit - Unit to which values should be converted
Precision - Defines the decimals to display
Currency - Defaults to Dashboard global currency setting. Specific currency settings can be set here.
Culture - Defines the currency cultures for currencies with multiple cultures
Include group separator - Displays a comma between each numeric group (e.g. 1,000,000.00)


Date Values


Date Values have several display options, listed when clicking the Options button. To change display settings:


1.Hover over the field in the Data Items pane
2.Click data item menu drop-down
3.Select the Date type (e.g. Year, Quarter, etc)
4.Optionally set the Format
oFull (e.g. Month = October, etc.)
oAbbreviated (e.g. Month = Oct, etc.)
oNumeric (e.g. Month = 10, etc.)
oLong (e.g. Date-Hour = Saturday, October 15, 2016 10:57pm (en-US))
oShort (e.g. Date-Hour = 10/15/2016 10:57pm (en-US))
oTime Only (e.g. Date-Hour = 10:57pm (en-US))