Columns Tab Utilities>Financial Statement Designer

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The Columns tab defines the columns to be displayed on the Financial Statement. Each column consists of a specified calculation type and period. Columns can be added by tabbing through the grid and entering appropriate info. Financial Statement Designer supports up to fifteen columns.


The Columns tab is also used to define which Organizational Units should be included on the Financial Statement using the Modify Org Units button.



Key Concepts


Calculation Types


InFocus supports the following calculation types


Transactions - Figures represent account balance (actual)
Budgets - Figures represent account budgets
Variance - Budget less Actual
Percent Variance - (Budget less Actual / Budget ) x 100
Inverse Variance - Actual less Budget
Inverse Percent Variance - (Actual less Budget / Budget ) x 100


Period Types


Period Types define both the **G/L Periods** to include on the statement and the how those periods should be calculated at run-time.


When running Financial Statements (via GA>Financial Statements) an as-of G/L Period is selected. This period acts as the anchor point by which other period types are defined.


For instance, if selecting G/L Period = **2016-12** at run-time, a column defined by the period type **Current Period Minus 1** would yield a column of **2016-11**.


Column Headers


Column Headers are defined for each column on the statement.


Column Headers support either plain text or a formula.




To trigger a formula, the header text must be wrapped in brackets (e.g. […]).


Within the brackets you can have two values. For example: [-1|yyyy-MM].


The first value, -1, calculates which period to use for the formula. In this case, the negative one calculates to the period before the selected period.


The second value is an optional format string for the Start Date of the calculated period. If none is specified, the period code will be returned.



Field Descriptions


Column Order - Order of column, ranging from 1 through 15 (max).
Cash/Accrual - Specify if Cash or Accrual figures are used.
Calculation Type - Specifies the calculation type (described above)
Period Type - Specifies the G/L Period to include based on a singular period entered at run time. There are over fifty period types, the naming of which, should make their use self evident.