Modify Filter Ranges Utilities>Financial Statement Designer

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Modify Filter Ranges gives you the ability to define a group of accounts to be included on the line in question. Included accounts can be Added or Subtracted from the grand total. Any line can have an unlimited number of Filter Ranges.


For instance, using Filter Ranges, one line with the Command Type: Itemize, could return all accounts between 4000 and 4999.


All line types, except Text, support Filter Ranges.





1.Select the Line you wish to add the Filter Range to
2.Click Modify Filter Ranges. The Line Filter Criteria dialogue will launch.
3.Add Line Filters as appropriate using the dialogue (descriptions below)
4.Click Save
5.Click Close to exit the dialogue
6.Click Save from the toolbar to save the Financial Statement Design



Field Descriptions


Below are field descriptions when defining Filter Ranges.


Filter Title


Filter Title - Names the filter




Add Values -  When checked, account figures are added to this range as a positive
Subtract Values - When checked, accounts figures are added to this range as a negative


Codes/Orgs Tab


Base Codes


No Criteria - When selected, no base code ranges are established
Use Mask - When selected, a mask is used (e.g. 4???). A mask works by placing a question mark (wild card) in one or more positions of the base code. For example, 4???, would include all base accounts beginning with 4 (e.g. 4000, 4001, etc). Likewise, 4??5 would include all base codes beginning with a 4 and ending with a 5 (e.g. 4005, 4105, etc.). Question mark means any value can appear in that position.
Use Range - When checked, the range of base codes entered is used (e.g. 4000 to 4999).


Org Units / Companies


All Orgs - When checked, all org units are included
Specific Org Unit - When checked, only the supplied org unit is included
oUse Child Orgs - Available only when specific org unit is checked. When checked, children of the specified org unit are also included.
Custom Org Units - When checked, org units can be combined with a like code at a specified level.
oOrg Level - Org level where the code is found; available only when Custom Org Unit is checked.
oOrg Code - The code on which to combine; available only when Custom Org Unit is checked.


System Types Tab


System Types can be used to include G/L Accounts that meet a certain configuration. The following settings can be used singularly or together.


Metric Types - When checked, the list of metric types selected are included
Financial Types - When checked, the list of financial types selected are included
Cost types - When checked, the list of Cost types selected are included
PM Types - When checked, the list of PM types selected are included


FS Groups


FS Groups include only those G/L Accounts assigned to the designated FS Group.