Currency Tab Administration>Global Settings

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The root setup of Multi-Currency is completed here. Here the Base System Currency and Multi-Currency functionality is defined.



Key Concepts

Complete MultiCurrency Setup is located at this link: More on Multi-Currency


Field Descriptions

Base System Currency


Description - This defines the base currency InFocus operates from. All systems will have one base currency. This is the currency that all companies within a single database will consolidate to. Although this setting defaults to the U.S. Dollar (USD), it can be customized to reflect any given company's base operating currency.

Culture - Configures the base culture the business is operating in and drives system report formats.
Symbol - Represents the system wide currency symbol.
Code - International three character monetary code. This important setting drives the import of system exchange rates.
Name - Required Field containing the selected culture's currency name.
Precision - Defines columns to the right of the decimal place and drives system rounding. Example: Precision 2 rounds to the nearest hundredth (5.248 = 5.25).
Unit - Represents the smallest unit in the selected currency. Example: For U.S. Dollars, 1 represents the Penny (the system will round to the nearest penny).
Major Denomination
oSingular - Defines the singular cases for check printing. For example, USD major labels are "dollar".
oPlural - Defines the plural cases for check printing. For example, USD major labels are "dollars".
Minor Denomination -
oSingular - Defines the singular cases for check printing. For example, USD minor labels are "cent" .
oPlural - Defines the plural cases for check printing. For example, USD minor labels are "cents".



Description - This section is only defined when the system should operate across multiple currencies. The configurations herein define the dates that drive configured exchange rates for sub ledger journals.

Use Multi-Currency - When checked, this enables the system to operate across multiple currencies.
Default Evaluation Date Settings - Here you select which date will be used when evaluating currency in the Purchase, Disbursement, E/R, Sales, Receipt and General Journals.
oTransaction Date - Journal based MC Effective date
oPeriod End Date - End date of the G/L Period of the transaction
oPeriod Start Date - Start date of the G/L Period of the transaction
oToday's Date - The system date of the transaction