Mapping Tab Administration>Global Settings

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The Mapping Tab holds the Bing Maps API Key that is required to use the Map Viewer. It also contains the default settings for the Map Viewer applet.

Note - The Map Viewer incorporates Bing Maps to display queried data.  To gain full access to this applet, you need to set up a Bing Maps account. There are some standard queries that come with InFocus to demonstrate the Map Viewers capabilities.



Field Descriptions

Map Settings

Bing Maps Key - Bing Maps API Key. This is obtained by setting up a Bing Maps account.
Bing Maps URL - The Bing Maps URL if you would like to override the default. Default is used if left blank.
Default Latitude - The Latitude that the map will default to when the Map Viewer is launched.
Default Longitude - The Longitude that the map will default to when the Map Viewer is launched.