SMTP / Webhook Relay Servers Tab Administration>Global Settings

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The SMTP / Webhook Relay Servers is where most SMTP / Webhook relay information is stored for use in emailing. The only exception is with Document Management Read more on Configuring InFocus for Emailing


Field Descriptions

SMTP Relay Servers Grid

Active - When checked, the SMTP server is active and can be used in the emailing processes.
Is Public - When checked, the SMTP server is accessible in the application by users who have been granted Permissions to those applets. More on Permissions
Name - User defined name of the SMTP Server.
From Address - Email address that any email sent from this SMTP Server will be from.
From Name - Name in the email that any email sent from this SMTP Server will be from.
SMTP Server - Email Server information.
User ID - User ID used to access the SMTP Server
Password - Password used to access the SMTP Server
Port - Port that the SMTP Server is using.
SSL/TLS - Is SSL or TL are required by the email service provider, check this box.


Webhook Relays Grid


Name - Webhook Name
Method - HTTP Method with which the webhook is being sent (POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.)
URL - Webhook URL
Use Basic Auth - Check to use basic authentication
Username - User name to be passed (optional)
Password - Password to be passed (optional)
Headers - Headers to be passed (optional)


All Webhooks should be processed using HTTPS.