Impersonate Tab

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The Impersonate tab provides the ability to support scenarios where one user needs to log into InFocus as another.


Administrators can generate unique impersonation tokens which can then be used in the place of user credentials at login.


Each generated token has a specified expiration.


Getting Started


To enable, an administer can click the lock box next to the user to be impersonated, and establish impersonation settings for distribution.


At login, users with the Impersonation Token will find an option for Token Login exposed by clicking advanced database options from the InFocus login screen.


Users will be prompted to provide the token. Once provided the user will re-click advanced database options and click Login.


That user will inherit all rights of the impersonated user for the duration of the current session and/or any subsequent sessions logged in prior to expiration .



Field Descriptions


Expire Minutes - Sets the expiration of the generated token
Generate New Impersonation Token - Generates a new token
Impersonation Token - Generated token to be used at login
Copy (link) - Copies the token to your clipboard
Expiration - Timestamp set for the expiration of the generated token. Note, time refers to the internal clock of the InFocus server, typically UTC.
Clear Token - Clears and the generated token and deactivates impersonation for the selected user