System Variables

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Below is a list of System Scripting Variables




@CURRENTPERIODCODE@ - Current Period Code, e.g. 2016–11
@CURRENTPERIODEND@ - Current Period End Date, e.g. 2016/11/30
@CURRENTPERIODMONTH@ - Current Period Month, e.g. 4
@CURRENTPERIODSTART@ - Current Period Start Date, e.g. 2016/11/01
@CURRENTPERIODYEAR@ - Current Period Year, e.g. 2016
@INVOICEPERIODCODE@ - Invoicing Period Code, e.g. 2014–11
@INVOICEPERIODEND@ - Invoicing Period End Date, e.g. 2016/11/30
@INVOICEPERIODMONTH@ - Invoicing Period Month, e.g. 4
@INVOICEPERIODSTART@ - Invoicing Period Start Date, e.g. 2016/11/01
@INVOICEPERIODYEAR@ - Invoicing Period Year, e.g. 2016




@COMPANYNAME@ - Company Name, e.g. Casco and Wilson, Inc.




@AMPM@ - AM or PM, e.g. PM
@DAY@ - Current Day of the Month, e.g. 3
@DAY2@ - Current Day of the Month (Padded), e.g. 03
@HOUR@ - Current Hour, e.g. 2
@HOUR2@ -        Current Hour (Two Digits), e.g. 02
@LASTMONTHEND@ - End of the Month, e.g.        2016/10/31
@LASTMONTHSTART@ - Start of the Month, e.g. 2016/10/01
@MINUTE@ -        Current Minute, e.g. 25
@MINUTE2@ - Current Minute (Two Digits), e.g. 25
@MONTH@ -        Current Month Number, e.g.11
@MONTH2@ - Current Month Number (Padded), e.g. 11
@MONTHEND@ - End of the Month, e.g. 2016/11/30
@MONTHSTART@ - Start of the Month, e.g. 2016/11/1
@NOW@ - Current Date and Time on the Server, e.g. Nov 3 2016  2:25PM
@SECOND@ - Current Second, e.g. 43
@SECOND2@ - Current Second (Two Digits), e.g. 43
@TIME@ - Current Time, e.g. 2:25 PM
@YEAR@ - Current Year, e.g. 2016
@YEAR2@ -        Current Year (Two Digits), e.g. 16
@YEAREND@ - End of the Year, e.g.        2016/12/31
@YEARSTART@ - First of the Year, e.g. 2016/1/1




@MYCODE@ - Logged in user's Employee Code, e.g. LJC01
@MYEMPID@ - Logged in user's Employee ID, e.g. 1
@MYID@ - Logged in user's Employee ID, e.g. 1
@MYUSERID@ - Logged in user's User ID, e.g. 1
@MYUSERNAME@ -        Logged in user's Username, e.g.        demo



Next: Global Variables