Master Filters |
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Included in the Analytic Dashboard feature set is the ability to filter dashboard items by another when similar values are used by each. For instance, a chart displaying information by employee name, could be used to filter a grid displaying other employee information.
This is done by setting the dashboard item you wish to filter by as a Master Filter- of which there are two types.
Master Filter Types
Single Master Filter
Single Master Filter sets the selected dashboard item as a filter for all other dashboard items governed by the data source. Using a Single Master Filter you can filter by one value in the selected item (e.g. a single Employee Name cell in the Grid)
Single Master Filters can be further defined by Target Dimensions (Argument, Series, Point).
Multiple Master Filter
Multiple Master Filters work similarly to Single Master Filters with the exception that by using a Multiple Master Filter you can filter by one or more values in the selected item (e.g. multiple Employee Name cells in the Grid)
Multiple Master Filters can be further defined by the Target Dimension (Argument, Series, Point).
Master Filter Settings
Cross Data-Source Filtering
As mentioned above, by default setting an item as a Master Filter applies filtering to other dashboard items using the same data source.
Enabling Cross Data-Source Filtering allows a Master Filter to affect data items displaying data from other data sources. When using this setting, the full names of data fields must match between data sources (e.g. "Employee_Code" field, for instance, must exist in both data sources)
Ignore Master Filter
Enable this setting on any dashboard item you wish to to exclude from Master Filtering |