Move Project Transactions Project Administration>Move Project Transactions

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The Move Project Transactions utility allows the mass movement of project transactions from one project node to another project node.


Key Concepts

Project Administration will allow the mass move of projects transactions from one project/node to another project node. It is specific to the node selected.  This does not move all transactions throughout a whole project at one time.  For example, If you select the Project level node of the source project and the task level of the destination project, all of the transactions, in the source project, will be moved to the task level, of the destination project.  All other transactions remain.
This utility will permit the movement of transactions regardless of contract level rules established in the project.  For instance, this utility will allow you to move timesheets to non-bottom project nodes.


Field Descriptions


Source Project - Project to which you are moving transactions from.
Include Children Nodes - When checked, all transaction of the source project children nodes will be moved to the Destination Project node.
Destination Project - Project to which you are moving transactions to.


Transaction Date Range

Start -  Start date that will include all transactions that are to be moved.
End -  End date that will include all transactions that are to be moved.


Audit Trail

Current Version Only - When checked, an audit trail will be documented showing the transfer of all time, expense, etc.

Note - If you are moving transactions for the purpose of deleting a project, leave this box unchecked.

New G/L Period - New G/L period for the transferred transactions to fall in.
Bill Status Filter - Filters out transactions with a specific bill status.  Leave blank for all.


Transaction Types

Time Sheets - Filters out Time Sheet transactions
Expenses - Filters out Expense transactions
Sales - Filters out Sales Journal transactions
Adjustments - Filters out General Journal transactions