Notes Marketing>Notes

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Notes can be entered against a Contacts, Firms, and Projects (including Opportunities).



Additional Toolbar Options

Aside from the standard toolbar options this applet has the following options:

Print - Prints the comments in the Notes window


Field Descriptions


Note Window (Top Window)

Description - The notes window contains the running notes conversation.

Note - Hover over a comment to Edit, View or delete a specific item.

Note Window (Bottom)

Description - In this window you are able to compose or edit a note.


Contact - Contact associated with the note. More on Contacts
Firm - Firm associated with the note. More on Firms
Project - Project associated with the note. More on Projects

Schedule Follow Up Activity

Type - Type of Note Posting (ex. Phone Call, Meeting, E-Mail, Appointment, Lunch, and Dinner are the choices). A User Defined Field. The Type list is managed under Administration>List Management>Activity Types
Date - Date of follow-up Activity.
Time - Time of follow-up Activity.
Duration - Duration of follow-up Activity.
Show Until Marked Complete - When checked, the activity remains on the Upcoming Activities List until marked complete. If not completed, it comes off the Upcoming Activities list once the date has expired. More on ActivitiesActivities
Drop-down - Type of Note Posting (ex. Phone Call, Meeting, E-Mail, Appointment, Lunch, and Dinner are the choices). A User Defined Field. The Note Type list is managed under Administration>List Management>Note Types