Report Details Tab Utilities>PM Report Designer

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The Report Details Tab contains the main details of the PM Report.



Field Descriptions

Active - When checked, this is an active report.

Name & Title

Report Name - Name of report (No Spaces Allowed)
Report Title - Title to print on report
Is Summary - When checked, Employees with the "Is Summary" rate access (Employees>Accounting Rates Tab) can see those rates on the report.


Report Type

Limit Project Leaders - When checked, project leaders will see only the projects they are assigned to. This can be overridden for a project leader with the special permission Can Override Limit to Project Leader.
Use Range For Period 1 - When checked, period 1 will prompt for a start and end date; otherwise, only an end date is requested.
Periods - Number of periods on report. As you select a number, fields in the Period Prompts section are activated.


Period Prompts

Period 1 Prompt - Prompt text for period 1.
Period 2 - Type of Period. Choices are Calendar Year-to-Date, Fiscal Year-to-Date, Project-to-date, and Custom. All but Custom use a Period 1 end date and require no prompt. Custom prompts for a data range.
Period 2 Prompt - Prompt text for period 2.
Period 3 - Type of Period. Choices are Calendar Year-to-Date, Fiscal Year-to-Date, Project-to-date, and Custom. All but Custom use a Period 1 end date and require no prompt. Custom prompts for a data range.
Period 3 Prompt - Prompt text for period 3.
Where Clause - A SQL Where Clause can be added here. Knowledge of SQL is required.
Description - Description of report. Informational only.
Results Override - Additional SQL can be added here to extend the data returned. The PM Report designer returns a table named #results.  The table can be joined against in this window. Knowledge of SQL is required.


Show Advanced Options

Eliminate Tx with Zero Balances For  - When checked, the report will not return transactions containing zero balance for the following types:
Group Data - When checked, data is group based on all columns (except aggregates). This is the normal operation. Only uncheck it if you want to see individual records.
Denormalize WBS -  When checked, the fields that breakdown the WBS are broken into separate fields. Ex. ProjectPath  becomes ProjectPath1 (Project Level), ProjectPath2 (Phase Level), ProjectPath3 (Task Level), and ProjectPath4 (Subtask Level)
Use v1.5.0+ Date Format - If you are running a version of InFocus that is greater than version 1.5.0, this box should be checked.