Aggregates Utilities>PM Report Designer

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The majority of aggregate fields follow a basic set of syntactical rules with a root word that can have multiple prefixes and suffixes. Understanding the syntax of the fields is key. Review the Key Concept on how to find what the fields represent.



Key Concepts

Root Words
oCost - Labor and expense cost values from transactions. In the case of labor it can be at pay rate or job cost rate depending on global settings.
oBilled - Billed Revenue
oUnBilled - Unbilled Revenue
oEarned - Earned Revenue. Billed revenue plus unbilled revenue.
oWip - Work In Progress
oBudget - Budget dollars
oAlloc - Allocated Dollars
First Prefix - Only used with budget and alloc root words.
oBL - Base line.
Second Prefix - Used with all root words
oLabor - Project management type is labor
oODC - Project management type is other direct charges
oOCC - Project management type is out-of-contract consultants
oICC - In-contract consultants
First Suffix - Used with cost root word.
oMU - Marked-up value. For labor, it means bill rate; for expenses, it is the billable value.
Second Suffix - Used with cost root word.
oRnd - Rounded to two decimal places value.
Third Suffix - Used with cost root word.
oA - Adjustments. All versions of a cost transaction except its most recent.
oN - Transactions with a bill status of Never Bill.
oB - Transactions with a bill status of Billed.
oR - Transactions with a bill status of Ready to Bill.
oH - Transactions with a bill status of Hold.
oW - Transactions with a bill status of Writeoff.
Examples -  Variations of the root word - cost.
oCost - Cost of all labor and expense transactions. Unrounded
oCostRND - Cost of all labor and expense transactions. Rounded
oLaborCost - Cost of labor transactions unrounded.
oODCCostMU - Marked up value of ODC transactions
oOCCCostMUH - Marked up value of OCC transactions that are on hold.


Field Descriptions

AllocAmount - Total allocated dollars
BadDebt - Bad debt
Billed - Total billed revenue
BLHoursBudget - Baseline budgeted hours
BLICCBudget - Baseline ICC budget dollars
BLICCBudgetPA - Baseline ICC budget percent allocated
BLLaborBudget - Baseline labor budget dollars
BLLaborBudgetPA -Baseline labor budget percent allocated
BLOCCBudget - Baseline OCC budget dollars
BLOCCBudgetPA - Baseline OCC budget percent allocated
BLODCBudget - Baseline ODC budget dollars
BLODCBudgetPA - Baseline ODC budget percent allocated
Budget - Total budget dollars
BudgetPA - Total budget percent allocated
Cost - Total cost
CostA - Total cost of Non-Current Transactions
CostB - Total cost of Billed Transactions
CostH - Total cost of Hold Transactions
CostMU - Total marked-up Value Cost Transactions
CostMUA - Total marked-up Value of Non-Current Transactions
CostMUB - Total marked-up Value of Billed Transactions
CostMUH - Total marked up value Hold Transactions
CostMUN - Total marked-up value of Never Bill Transactions
CostMUR - Total marked-up value of Ready-to-Bill Transactions
CostMURnd - Total marked-up value of Cost Transactions; rounded
CostMURndA - Total marked-up value of Non-Current Transactions; rounded
CostMURndB - Total marked-up value of Billed Transactions; rounded
CostMURndH - Total marked-up value of Hold Transactions; rounded
CostMURndN -Total marked-up value of Never Bill Transactions; rounded
CostMURndR - Total marked-up value of Ready-to-Bill Transactions; rounded
CostMURndW - Total marked-up value of Write Off Transactions; rounded
CostMUW - Total marked-up value of Write Off Transactions
CostN - Total cost of Never Bill Transactions
CostR - Total cost of Ready to Bill Transactions
CostRnd - Total Cost; rounded
CostRndA - Total cost of Non-Current Transactions; rounded.
CostRndB - Total cost of Billed Transactions; rounded
CostRndH - Total cost of Hold Transactions; rounded
CostRndN - Total cost of Never Bill Transactions; rounded
CostRndR - Total cost of Ready to Bill Transactions; rounded
CostRndW - Total cost of Write-Off Transaction; rounded
CostW - Total cost of Write-Off Transactions
Earned - Total earned revenue (Billed revenue plus unbilled revenue)
ETCAmount - Estimate-to-complete dollars
HoursBudget - Budget hours
ICCAllocAmount - ICC allocated dollars
ICCAllocQty - ICC allocated units
ICCBilled - ICC billed revenue
ICCBudget - ICC budget dollars
ICCBudgetPA - ICC budget percent allocated
ICCBudgetPC - ICC budget percent complete
ICCCost - ICC total cost
ICCCostA - ICC cost of Non-Current transactions
ICCCostB - ICC cost of Billed Transactions
ICCCostH - ICC cost of Hold Transactions
ICCCostMU - ICC marked up value of Cost Transactions
ICCCostMUA - ICC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions
ICCCostMUB - ICC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions
ICCCostMUH - ICC marked up value of Hold Transactions
ICCCostMUN - ICC marked up value of Never Bill Cost Transactions
ICCCostMUR - ICC marked up value of Ready to Bill Transactions
ICCCostMURnd - ICC marked up value of cost transactions. Rounded
ICCCostMURndA - ICC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostMURndB - ICC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostMURndH - ICC marked up value of Hold Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostMURndN - ICC marked up value of Never Bill Cost Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostMURndR - ICC marked up value of Ready to Bill Cost Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostMURndW - ICC marked up value of Write Off Cost Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostMUW - ICC marked up value of Write Off Cost Transactions
ICCCostN - ICC cost of Never Bill Transactions
ICCCostR - ICC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions
ICCCostRnd - ICC cost. Rounded
ICCCostRndA - ICC cost of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostRndB - ICC cost of Billed Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostRndH - ICC cost of Hold Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostRndN - ICC cost of Never Bill Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostRndR - ICC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostRndW - ICC cost of Write Off Transactions. Rounded
ICCCostW - ICC cost of Write Off Transactions.
ICCEarned - ICC earned revenue. Billed revenue plus unbilled revenue
ICCETCAmount - ICC estimate to complete dollars
ICCETCQty - ICC estimate to complete units
ICCQty - ICC units from cost transactions
ICCQtyA - ICC units from Non-Current Cost Transactions
ICCQtyB - ICC units from Billed Cost Transactions
ICCQtyH - ICC units from Hold Cost Transactions
ICCQtyN - ICC units from Never Bill Cost Transactions
ICCQtyR - ICC units from Ready to Bill Cost Transactions
ICCQtyW - ICC units from Write Off Cost Transactions
ICCUnbilled - ICC unbilled revenue
ICCWip - ICC work in progress
LaborAllocAmount - Labor allocated dollars
LaborAllocHrs - Labor allocated hours
LaborBilled - Labor billed revenue
LaborBilledDirect - Labor billed revenue non-marked up portion
LaborBilledDPEOH - Labor billed revenue DPE plus overhead portion
LaborBilledFixedFee - Labor billed revenue for fixed fee
LaborBilledProfit -Labor billed revenue for profit
LaborBudget - Labor budget dollars
LaborBudgetPA -Labor budget percent allocated
LaborBudgetPC - Labor budget percent complete
LaborCostBR - Labor at the billing rate
LaborCostBRA - Labor at the billing rate for Non-Current Transactions
LaborCostBRB - Labor at the billing rate for Billed Cost Transactions
LaborCostBRH - Labor at the billing rate for Hold Transactions
LaborCostBRN - Labor at the billing rate for Never Bill Transactions
LaborCostBRR - Labor at the billing rate for Ready to Bill Transactions
LaborCostBRRnd - Labor at the billing rate. Rounded
LaborCostBRRndA - Labor at the billing rate for Non-Current Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostBRRndB - Labor at the billing rate for Billed Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostBRRndH - Labor at the billing rate for Hold Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostBRRndN - Labor at the billing rate for Never Bill Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostBRRndR - Labor at the billing rate for Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostBRRndW - Labor at the billing rate for Write Off Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostBRW - Labor at the billing rate for Write Off Transactions
LaborCostJC - Labor at the job cost rate for Non-Current Transactions
LaborCostJCA - Labor at the job cost rate for Non-Current Transactions
LaborCostJCB - Labor at the job cost rate for Billed Transactions
LaborCostJCH - Labor at the job cost rate for Hold Transactions
LaborCostJCN - Labor at the job cost rate for Never Bill Transactions
LaborCostJCR - Labor at the job cost rate for Ready to Bill Transactions
LaborCostJCRnd - Labor at the job cost rate. Rounded
LaborCostJCRndA - Labor at the job cost rate for Non-Current Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostJCRndB - Labor at the job cost rate for Billed Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostJCRndH - Labor at the job cost rate for Hold Cost Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostJCRndN - Labor at the job cost rate for Never Bill Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostJCRndR - Labor at the job cost rate for Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostJCRndW - Labor at the job cost rate for Write Off Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostJCW - Labor at the job cost rate for Write Off Transactions
LaborCostPay - Labor at the pay rate
LaborCostPayA - Labor at the pay rate for Non-Current Transactions
LaborCostPayB - Labor at the pay rate for Billed Transactions
LaborCostPayH - Labor at the pay rate for Hold Cost Transactions
LaborCostPayN - Labor at the pay rate for Never Bill Transactions
LaborCostPayR - Labor at the pay rate for Ready to Bill Transactions
LaborCostPayRnd - Labor at the pay rate. Rounded
LaborCostPayRndA - Labor at the pay rate for Non-Current Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostPayRndB - Labor at the pay rate for Billed Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostPayRndH - Labor at the pay rate for Hold Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostPayRndN - Labor at the pay rate for Never Bill Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostPayRndR - Labor at the pay rate for Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostPayRndW - Labor at the pay rate for Write Off Transactions. Rounded
LaborCostPayW - Labor at the pay rate for Write Off Transactions
LaborEarned - Labor earned revenue. Billed plus unbilled revenue
LaborETCAmount - Labor estimate to complete dollars
LaborETCHrs - Labor estimate to complete hours
LaborOTHrsBill - Labor overtime hours. Wrote up or down
LaborOTHrsBillA - Labor overtime hours for Non-Current Transactions. Written up or down
LaborOTHrsBillB - Labor overtime hours for Billed Transactions. Written up or down
LaborOTHrsBillH - Labor overtime hours for Hold Cost Transactions. Written up or down
LaborOTHrsBillN - Labor overtime hours for Never Bill Transactions. Written up or down
LaborOTHrsBillR - Labor overtime hours for Ready to Bill Transactions. Written up or down
LaborOTHrsBillW - Labor overtime hours for Write Off Transactions. Written up or down
LaborOTHrsWork - Labor overtime hours actually worked
LaborOTHrsWorkA - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Non-Current Transactions
LaborOTHrsWorkB - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Billed Transactions
LaborOTHrsWorkH - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Hold Cost Transactions
LaborOTHrsWorkN - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Never Bill Transactions
LaborOTHrsWorkR - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Ready to Bill Transactions
LaborOTHrsWorkW - Labor overtime hours actually worked for Write Off Transactions
LaborOverallCap - Overall cap amount as specified on the Project Profit Center Sharing screen.
LaborOwnerCap - Cap amount as specified on the Project Profit Center Owner screen.
LaborOwnerLevel - Project Level where ownership is established.  Specified on Project Profit Center Owner screen.
LaborOwnerMethodName - Labor revenue recognition method for project owner.
LaborOwnerPC - Labor revenue recognition percent complete for project owner.
LaborRegHrsBill - Labor non-overtime hours. Written up or down
LaborRegHrsBillA - Labor non-overtime hours for Non-Current Transactions. Written up or down
LaborRegHrsBillB - Labor non-overtime hours for Billed Transactions. Written up or down
LaborRegHrsBillH - Labor non-overtime hours for Hold Cost Transactions. Written up or down
LaborRegHrsBillN - Labor non-overtime hours for Never Bill Transactions. Written up or down
LaborRegHrsBillR - Labor non-overtime hours for Ready to Bill Transactions. Written up or down
LaborRegHrsBillW - Labor non-overtime hours for Write Off Transactions. Written up or down
LaborRegHrsWork - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked
LaborRegHrsWorkA - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Non-Current Transactions
LaborRegHrsWorkB - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Billed Transactions
LaborRegHrsWorkH - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Hold Cost Transactions
LaborRegHrsWorkN - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Never Bill Transactions
LaborRegHrsWorkR - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Ready to Bill Transactions
LaborRegHrsWorkW - Labor non-overtime hours actually worked for Write Off Transactions
LaborUnbilled - Labor unbilled revenue
LaborWip - Labor work in progress
LateFee - Late fee revenue
OCCAllocAmount - OCC allocated dollars
OCCAllocQty - OCC allocated units
OCCBilled - OCC billed revenue
OCCBilledDirect - OCC billed revenue not marked up portion
OCCBilledMarkup - OCC billed revenue marked up portion
OCCBudget - OCC budget dollars
OCCBudgetPA - OCC budget percent allocated
OCCBudgetPC - OCC budget percent complete
OCCCost - OCC total cost
OCCCostA - OCC cost of Non-Current Transactions
OCCCostB - OCC cost of Billed Transactions
OCCCostH - OCC cost of Hold Cost Transactions
OCCCostMU - OCC marked up value of cost transactions
OCCCostMUA - OCC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions
OCCCostMUB - OCC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions
OCCCostMUH - OCC marked up value of Hold Transactions
OCCCostMUN - OCC marked up value of Never Bill Transactions
OCCCostMUR - OCC marked up value of Ready to Bill Transactions
OCCCostMURnd - OCC marked up value of cost transactions. Rounded
OCCCostMURndA - OCC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostMURndB - OCC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostMURndH - OCC marked up value of Hold Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostMURndN - OCC marked up value of never bill cost transactions. Rounded
OCCCostMURndR - OCC marked up value of Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostMURndW - OCC marked up value of Write Off Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostMUW - OCC marked up value of Write Off Transactions.
OCCCostN - OCC cost of Never Bill Transactions
OCCCostR - OCC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions
OCCCostRnd - OCC cost. Rounded
OCCCostRndA - OCC cost of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostRndB - OCC cost of Billed Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostRndH - OCC cost of Hold Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostRndN - OCC cost of Never Bill Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostRndR - OCC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostRndW - OCC cost of Write Off Transactions. Rounded
OCCCostW - OCC cost of Write Off Transactions
OCCEarned - OCC earned revenue. Billed revenue plus unbilled revenue
OCCETCAmount - OCC estimate to complete dollars.
OCCETCQty - OCC estimate to complete units
OCCQty - OCC units from cost transactions
OCCQtyA - OCC units from Non-Current Cost Transactions
OCCQtyB - OCC units from Billed Cost Transactions
OCCQtyH - OCC units from Hold Cost Transactions
OCCQtyN - OCC units from Never Bill Cost Transactions
OCCQtyR - OCC units from Ready to Bill Cost Transactions
OCCQtyW - OCC units from Write Off Cost Transactions
OCCUnbilled - OCC unbilled revenue
OCCWip - OCC work in progress
ODCAllocAmount - ODC allocated dollars
ODCAllocQty - ODC allocated units
ODCBilled - ODC billed revenue
ODCBilledDirect - ODC billed revenue not marked up portion
ODCBilledMarkup - ODC billed revenue marked up portion
ODCBudget - ODC budget dollars
ODCBudgetPA - ODC budget percent allocated
ODCBudgetPC - ODC budget percent complete
ODCCost - ODC total cost
ODCCostA - ODC cost of Non-Current Cost Transactions
ODCCostB - ODC cost of Billed Transactions
ODCCostH - ODC cost of Hold Transactions
ODCCostMU - ODC marked up value of cost transactions
ODCCostMUA - ODC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions
ODCCostMUB - ODC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions
ODCCostMUH - ODC marked up value of Hold Transactions
ODCCostMUN - ODC marked up value of Never Bill Cost Transactions
ODCCostMUR - ODC marked up value of Ready to Bill Transactions
ODCCostMURnd - ODC marked up value of cost transactions. Rounded
ODCCostMURndA - ODC marked up value of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostMURndB - ODC marked up value of Billed Cost Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostMURndH - ODC marked up value of Hold Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostMURndN - ODC marked up value of Never Bill Cost Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostMURndR - ODC marked up value of Ready to Bill Cost Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostMURndW - ODC marked up value of Write Off Cost Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostMUW - ODC marked up value of Write Off Cost Transactions
ODCCostN - ODC cost of  Never Bill Transactions
ODCCostR - ODC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions
ODCCostRnd - ODC cost. Rounded
ODCCostRndA - ODC cost of Non-Current Cost Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostRndB - ODC cost of Billed Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostRndH - ODC cost of Hold Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostRndN - ODC cost of Never Bill Cost Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostRndR - ODC cost of Ready to Bill Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostRndW - ODC cost of Write Off Transactions. Rounded
ODCCostW - ODC cost of Write Off Transactions
ODCEarned - ODC earned revenue. Billed revenue plus unbilled revenue
ODCETCAmount - ODC estimate to complete dollars.
ODCETCQty - ODC estimate to complete units
ODCQty - ODC units from cost transactions
ODCQtyA - ODC units from Non-Current Cost Transactions
ODCQtyB - ODC units from Billed Cost Transactions
ODCQtyH - ODC units from Hold Cost Transactions
ODCQtyN - ODC units from Never Bill Cost Transactions
ODCQtyR - ODC units from Ready to Bill Cost Transactions
ODCQtyW - ODC units from Write Off Transactions
ODCUnbilled - ODC unbilled revenue
ODCWip - ODC work in progress
ProjectDPE - DPE dollars applied
ProjectOH - Overhead dollars applied
Recvd - Received dollars
Retainage - Retainage revenue
Retainer - Retainer revenue
Unbilled - Unbilled revenue
Wip - Work in progress