Stages Tab

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The Stages Tab is where you develop the stages of a process. Stages are custom processes that are valuable to your company. They can range from a basic KanBan (ToDo-Doing-Done) to a complex SCRUM. You are able to create unlimited stages with added features that make it easy to build a process that suits your needs.




Name - Name of the Stage. This will be displayed in the Work Order Grid and will be turned into a "Swim Lane" on the Work Orders Card View. Note: The Order counts, so use the Up and Down arrows on the left to reorder the stages as necessary.
Default Owner Type - The default owner of the Work Order when a Work Order Enters this stage. Options are Creator, Currently Assigned, Team Member, Role, Prompt and Query.



Can Skip - When selected, the Stage can be skipped over in the designated process.  If unselected, the stage must be entered from the previous stage.
Enter Reverse - When selected, the Stage can be entered into from a stage in front of it.  If unselected, the can only be entered from previous stages.



Back Color - Back Color that the Stage will be highlighted as in the Grid View in Work Orders.
Fore Color - Fore Color that the Stage will be highlighted as in the Grid View in Work Orders.



Auto-Complete - Work Orders have a Status of Complete vs. Incomplete.  The Grid and Card views can filter out by the status.  The Completion status typically signifies whether the work was actually completed or not. When selected, the Work Order is switched to a status of Complete. When On Enter is selected, the Work Order switches to this status when it enters this specific stage. When On Exit is selected, the Work Order switches to this status when it exits this stage.  



Auto-Incomplete - When selected, the Work Order is switched to a status of Incomplete. When On Enter is selected, the Work Order switches to this status when it enters this specific stage. When On Exit is selected, the Work Order switches to this status when it exits this stage.  



Auto-Open - Work Orders have a Status of Open vs. Closed.  The Grid and Card views can filter out by the status.  The Open/Closed status typically signifies whether the work order is active or not. When selected, the Work Order is switched to a status of Open. When On Enter is selected, the Work Order switches to this status when it enters this specific stage. When On Exit is selected, the Work Order switches to this status when it exits this stage.  



Auto-Close - When selected, the Work Order is switched to a status of Open. When On Enter is selected, the Work Order switches to this status when it enters this specific stage. When On Exit is selected, the Work Order switches to this status when it exits this stage.


Exit Events

Exit Events - Exit events are custom Queries or Messages that can be designed to fire off an event when then Work Order Exits the specific Stage.


Enter Events

Enter Events - Enter events are custom Queries or Messages that can be designed to fire off an event when then Work Order Enters the specific Stage.