Column Chooser Project Management>Project Planning

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The Column Chooser contains any additional columns that may not be displayed in the default layout of a grid.  In this section is a description of additional columns available in Project Planning.

Field Descriptions

Project Grid


Labor Alloc Amount - Allocated dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
Labor Alloc Hours - Allocated hours. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
Labor Bgt. Amount - Budget dollars. Manually entered or automatically populated from Roll-up.
Labor Bgt. Amount PCT - Percent total of the labor budget amount in relation to its parent node.
Labor Bgt. Hours - Budget hours. Manually entered or automatically populated from Roll-up.
Labor Bgt. Hours PCT - Percent total of the labor budget hours in relation to its parent node.
LaborContractCap - Labor Contract Cap. This amount updates from Budget Amounts when you click on the Roll up Button and select Contract=Budget and choose Cap.
Labor Budget PC - Labor budget percent complete.
Labor ETC Amount - Estimate to complete dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
Labor ETC Hours - Estimate to complete hours. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
LaborFixedFee - Fixed Fee Amount. This amount updates from Budget Amounts when you click on the Roll up Button and select Contract=Budget and choose Fixed Fee.
Labor Scheduled Amount - Labor scheduled amount.
Labor Scheduled Amount Forward - Labor scheduled amount from the As of Date forward.
Labor Scheduled Hrs - Labor scheduled hours.
Labor Scheduled Hrs Forward - Labor scheduled hours from the As of Date forward.
Labor Used Amount - Used dollars. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the amounts with that bill status)
Labor Used Amount Prev- Labor scheduled amount from the As of Date backward. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the amounts with that bill status)
Labor Used Hours - Used hours are Read Only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the hours with that bill status)
Labor Used Hours Prev- Labor scheduled hours from the As of Date backward. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the hours with that bill status)


ODC (Other Direct Charges)

ODC Alloc Amount - Allocated dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ODC Alloc Units - Allocated units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ODC Bgt. Amount - Budget dollars. Manually entered or automatically populated from Roll-up.
ODC Bgt. Amount PCT- Percent total of the ODC budget Amount in relation to its parent node.
ODCContractCap - Other Direct Charges Cap.
ODC ETC Amount - Estimate to complete dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ODC ETC Units - Estimate to complete units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ODC Scheduled Amount - ODC scheduled amount .
ODC Scheduled Amount Fwd - ODC scheduled amount from the As of Date forward.
ODC Scheduled Units - ODC scheduled units.
ODC Scheduled Units Forward - ODC scheduled units from the As of Date forward.
ODC Used Amount - Used dollars. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the amounts with that bill status)
ODC Used Amount Prev - ODC scheduled amount from the As of Date backward. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the amounts with that bill status)
ODC Used Units - Used units. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the units with that bill status)
ODC Used Units Prev - ODC scheduled units from the As of Date backward. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the units with that bill status)


OCC (Out of Contract Consultants)

OCC Alloc Amount - Allocated dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
OCC Alloc Units - Allocated units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
OCC Bgt. Amount - Budget dollars. Manually entered or automatically populated from Roll-up.
OCC Bgt. Amount PCT- Percent total of the OCC budget Amount in relation to its parent node.
OCCContractCap - Outside Consultant Charges Cap.
OCC ETC Amount - Estimate to complete dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
OCC ETC Units - Estimate to complete units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
OCC Scheduled Amount - OCC scheduled amount.
OCC Scheduled Amount Fwd - OCC scheduled amount from the As of Date forward.
OCC Scheduled Units - OCC scheduled units.
OCC Scheduled Units Forward - OCC scheduled units from the As of Date forward.
OCC Used Amount - Used dollars. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the amounts with that bill status)
OCC Used Amount Prev - OCC scheduled amount from the As of Date backward. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the amounts with that bill status)
OCC Used Units - Used units. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the units with that bill status)
OCC Used Units Prev - OCC scheduled units from the As of Date backward. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the units with that bill status)


ICC (In Contract Consultants)

ICC Alloc Amount - Allocated dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ICC Alloc Units - Allocated units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ICC Bgt. Amount - Budget dollars. Manually entered or automatically populated from Roll-up.
ICC Bgt. Amount PCT- Percent total of the ICC budget Amount in relation to its parent node.
ICCContractCap - Inside Consultant Charges Cap.
ICC ETC Amount - Estimate to complete dollars. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ICC ETC Units - Estimate to complete units. Read only. Accumulated from resource allocations.
ICC Scheduled Amount - OCC scheduled amount.
ICC Scheduled Amount Fwd - ICC scheduled amount from the As of Date forward.
ICC Scheduled Units - ICC scheduled units.
ICC Scheduled Units Forward - ICC scheduled units from the As of Date forward.
ICC Used Amount - Used dollars. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the amounts with that bill status)
ICC Used Amount Prev - ICC scheduled amount from the As of Date backward. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the amounts with that bill status)
ICC Used Units - Used units. Read only. Accumulated from project transactions. Calculations are through the specified As Of Date. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the units with that bill status)
ICC Used Units Prev - ICC scheduled units from the As of Date backward. (Additional columns that end in R,H,B,W and N bring back only the units with that bill status)