Projects Near Me

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InFocus Web (2020.1) features an all new search that, in addition to traditional search options, allows a user to quickly get a list of projects within 10 miles of their location, easing the burden of time and expense entry.

Note Projects Near Me assumes you have assigned a geocoded project address in PR>Projects. If you have not geocoded addresses historically, we can do this for you! Enable Address Geocoding via Clearview Support>Billing, Licensing & Settings (InFocus Cloud only) or use the Geocode All Addresses action available in InFocus Marketplace.




To search with Projects Near Me, complete the following


1Click the Add Project link or button (+) from Time Sheets or Expenses in InFocus Web
2When prompted, Allow your browser to use your location as appropriate.
3Click Near Me
4InFocus Web will search projects within a 10 mile radius of your location