Employees Purchasing tab defines settings for the Purchasing module on a per-employee basis.
While Global Settings establishes system-wide configurations, settings made here further define key points of setup for each employee using the Purchasing module.
Unless noted, settings made here are additive (as apposed to overrides) to the configurations in Global Settings. So, for instance, when an employee submits a Purchase Order, the allowable Ship To addresses are defined by the sum of address categories defined in Global Settings + Employees.
Field Descriptions
o | Default Bill To - Bill To address to include on Purchase Orders. Overrides Global Settings>Purchasing tab Default Bill To. |
o | Allow Override - When checked, Default Bill To can be overridden on the Purchase Order |
• | Allowable Ship To - Defines where a Purchase Order item can be shipped to. Alternatively, a Specific Address can also be listed. |
o | PO Approver - Employee responsible for approving submitted Purchase Orders |
o | Also Approver Override - When checked, the PO Approver can be overridden on the Purchase Order |
• | Approval Requirement Conditions - Defines a set of criteria for determining if a Purchase Order item requires approval. Rules can be further defined per Employee and/or Purchase Item. |
o | Require All Conditions - When checked, all criteria must be met to require approvals |