Query Designer Accounts Payable>Vendor Queries

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The Query Designer pop-up allows you to create named queries that allow you to bring back data specific to the applet that it references.

Field Descriptions

Definition Tab

Name -  Name of query as it will appear to user. Must be unique.
Type - Query type. There are three choices: personal, private and public. Personal queries are visible only to the user who designs them. Private queries are only available to users who have permission to view private queries. Public queries are viewable by everyone. The type of query a user is allowed to create depends on permissions.
Use Manual Filter -  When checked, the user can enter a manual filter. This is an advanced option. Manual filters are SQL 'Where Clauses'.


Input Tab

Description - The input tab is where you can specify input parameters and filters for your query. An input parameter prompts a user for values of fields to filter or limit the query by. A filter is a predefined limit to the returned data, for which the user is not prompted.  The Parameters selected here display in the Parameters Window grid on the main queries screen.

Table - InFocus table name. See data dictionary for more information.
Column - InFocus column name. See data dictionary for more information.
Parameter - When checked, this column will appear as a prompt.
Filter - When checked, the result set will be filtered by this column using the following three fields to define the filter.
Filter Operator - Choices are =, <>, >, <, >=, <=, between, and is not null. Is not null is synonymous with a blank or empty field.
Filter 1 -  Used with all filter operators except is not null. This is the value that completes the filter operation (except in the case of the between operator). In the case of the between this represents the lower range.
Filter 2 - Used only with the between operator. This represents the upper range.


Output Tab

Description - The output tab defines what columns appear in the Results Window on the main queries screen.

Table - InFocus table name. See data dictionary for more information.
Column - InFocus column name. See data dictionary for more information.
Display Name - Column name that should be used in result set. If left blank, InFocus column name will be used.
Show - When checked, column will appear in result set.
Column Order - Numerical order from left to right where column appears in result set.
Sort Order - Numerical sort precedent for sorting result set. For example, if you want to sort first by state and then by city, put a 1 on the state row and a 2 on the city row.
Ascending - When checked, data is sorted in ascending order if a sort order is specified; otherwise, descending order is used.