Rate Tester Utilities>Rate Tester

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The Rate Tester allows the user to test how a rate will be calculated. Enter a project, employee, date, etc., and it will calculate the rates.



Field Descriptions

Filters Window

Project Path -  Project Path that is being analyzed.
Employee - Employee that is being analyzed.
Job Title - Job Title that is being analyzed.
Work Date - Work Date that is being analyzed
Is Overtime - When selected, the OT Type box is enabled to change the Overtime type being analyzed.
OT Type - The Overtime type being analyzed. More on Overtime Types
Get Rates button - Runs the Utility.


Results Window

Pay Rate -   Pay Rate
OT Multiplier - Overtime multiplier
OT Rate - Overtime rate
JC Base Rate - Base rate used when calculating job cost rates.
JC Base Prem. Mult. - Multiplier applied against base rate for premium time. If changed, it auto-calculates Job Cost base premium rate.
JC Rate - Job Cost Rate
JC DPE Mult. - Direct personnel expense multiplier.
JC OH Mult. - Overhead multiplier.
JC Profit Mult. - Profit Multiplier.
JC Base Prem. Rate - Base premium rate used for calculating premium job cost rate. When changed, it auto-calculates premium multiplier.
Bill Base rate - Base rate used when calculating bill rates.
Bill Base Prem. Mult. - Multiplier applied against base rate for premium time. If changed, it auto-calculates billing base premium rate.
Bill Rate - Billing Rate
Bill DPE Mult. - Direct personnel expense multiplier.
Bill OH Mult. - Overhead multiplier.
Bill Profit Mult. - Profit Multiplier.
Bill Base Prem. Rate - Base premium rate used for calculating premium bill rate. When changed, it auto-calculates premium multiplier.
Is Hourly - When checked, indicates that employee was classified non-exempt on this work date.