Table Layout Utilities>ReportBuilder

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Table Designer is used to define the attributes of the table displayed on the report. The table contains the data reflected by the report and can be formatted to present that data in a meaningful way.



Field Descriptions

Table Designer

Section T: This is the Title section of the table and is defined by configurations made in Templates and Settings
Section H: This is the Header section of the table and is defined by configurations made in Settings. Header labels can be edited.
Section gh: This is the Group Header section of the table and is defined by configurations made in Groups. The table will display one gh section per group in use (gh0, gh1, gh2, etc). Group Headers can be edited.
Section D: This is the Detail section of the table and is defined by configurations made in Datasets, Fields and Calculated Fields. Detail fields can be edited.
Section gf: This is the Group Footer section of the table and is defined by configurations made in Groups. The table will display one gf section per group in use (gf0, gf1, gf2, etc). Group Footers can be edited.
Section F: This is the Footer section of the table and is defined by configurations made in Settings. Footer values can be edited.
oRow Below: Adds a new row below the selected row in the Table Designer
oRow Above: Adds a new row above the selected row in the Table Designer
oColumn: Adds a new column to the table
oRow: Removes the row of the selected row or field in the Table Designer
oColumn: Removes the column of the selected field in the Table Designer


Preview Sample Report

Preview Sample Report: This button launches a report viewer that displays a mock-up of the report as defined by all steps in ReportBuilder including the Table Designer. Data displayed on the preview is generated sample data.


Cell Styling

Description - The following options are applied to the selected cell in the Table Designer.

Alignment: Sets the alignment of the value within the cell (Left, Center or Right)
Font Size: Sets the font size of the value within the cell
Font Family: Sets the font of the value within the cell
Font: When checked, sets the font weight and/or style of the value within the cell
Format Code: Sets the format of the value within the cell
Foreground: Sets the color of the text within the cell
Background: Sets the background color of the cell
Top Border: Sets the weight and color of the top border line of the cell. A weight of "0" denotes a transparent (hidden) line.
Right Border: Sets the weight and color of the right border line of the cell. A weight of "0" denotes a transparent (hidden) line.
Bottom Border: Sets the weight and color of the bottom border line of the cell. A weight of "0" denotes a transparent (hidden) line.
Left Border: Sets the weight and color of the left border line of the cell. A weight of "0" denotes a transparent (hidden) line.
Apply Settings to All Cell on Row: Applies the configured setting for each cell in the row of the selected cell in the Table Designer


Row Settings

Description - The following options are applied to the selected row in the Table Designer.

Merge all Cells on Row: Creates one cell from all the cells in a given row and clears all values contained by the cells in that row. The merged cell can then be reassigned a value selection.
Row Height: Sets the row height of the selected row
Row Hidden Expression: Row visibility expression. Ex: =iif(fields!column.Value>0,True,False)


Table & Group Options

Table Sections
oShow Header: When unchecked, the header section (Section H) is hidden and values are cleared
oShow Detail Rows: When unchecked, the detail section (Section D) is hidden and values are cleared
oShow Footer: When unchecked, the footer section (Section F) is hidden and values are cleared
Table Repeating
oRepeat Header: When checked, the header section (Section H) is displayed on each page of the report
oRepeat Footer: When checked, the footer section (Section F) is displayed on each page of the report
Column Sizing
oAuto Size: When checked, the columns will be automatically sized by the maximum length of the value(s) it contains
Group Sections
oShow Header: When unchecked, the group header selection is hidden and values are cleared
oShow Footer: When unchecked, the group footer selection is hidden and values are cleared
Group Left Indentation: Sets the indentation of the selected group
Group Repeating
oRepeat Header: When checked, the selected group header is displayed on each page of the report
oRepeat Footer: When checked, the selected group footer is displayed on each page of the report
Page Breaking
oPage Break After Grouping: When checked, a page break is inserted on the report after the selected group
Designer Actions
oReset Table Layout: Clears all modifications made to the Table Designer. The user is prompted for verification.
oCopy Report Definition to Clipboard: This copies the report JSON and XML to the clipboard
oCopy Report RDL to Clipboard: This copies the report XML to the clipboard