Right-Click on Project Sub-level Project Administration>Projects

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Right clicking on a sublevel Project Name (Lower Level of WBS) in the Project Explorer Window gives you a number of options.  This sections deals with the options that you get when the "Edit Project Structure" box at the bottom left of the Project Explorer is UNCHECKED.




Below are field descriptions for the pop-up.

Allowable Date Ranges

Description - Allowable Date Ranges are used to limit time and expense entry date ranges to a project. Date ranges are allowed to have no Start Date or End Date to leave them open-ended. Date ranges can also be controlled from project planning.
Timesheet Entry - The Employee will not be able to enter a Time Sheet against this project if the time sheet falls outside of the date range.
Expenses - The Employee will not be able to enter an Expense Sheet against this project if the time sheet falls outside of the date range.

Default Bill Status

Description - This allows you to set the default bill status for transactions that go against this project. These features do not limit the statuses; they simply specify the default value on a new transaction.


Invoice Description

Description - Users can enter general invoice description comments here.


Sublevel UDFs

Description - User-definable fields (UDFs) that are associated with the lower nodes of a project can be created here.  In addition, the data entry for those fields happens here as well. More on User Defined Fields.


Time Sheet Comment Templates

Description - Comment Templates allow for the entry of specific data in the Comment box. Comment Templates for time sheets can be added to all levels of the WBS. More on Comment Templates


Labor Code Groups

Description - Labor Codes are used to designate the "work" that an employee is doing. Labor Code groups can be added to all levels of the WBS. More on Labor Codes