Results Tab

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Module: Accounts Payable    

Applet: E/R Check Writing    

Tab: Results


Description: The Results tab is split into two grids: 1) the employee grid and 2) the invoice grid. Selecting a row in the employee grid will display the associated reimbursements in the reimbursement grid.


Field descriptions listed below



Employee Grid


Separate Check -  When checked, a separate check will be printed for each reimbursement for this Vendor.


Employee - Employee


Amount Due -  Total amount due this employee.


Amount Applied -  Total amount to pay this employee. Defaults to amount due. Shows running total of selections from reimbursement grid.


Pay Checkbox - When checked, the selected check(s) will be processed for printing.


EFT - When selected, check will be processed as an EFT.



Reimbursement Grid


Employee - Employee name. Read only.


Invoice No. - Reimbursement. Transaction ID from employee reimbursement journal. Read only.


Invoice Date - Invoice Date. Read only.


Invoice Amount - Invoice amount. Read Only.


Amount Due - Amount due on invoice. Read Only.


Amount Applied -  Amount to pay employee for this reimbursement.