Settings Tab

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Module:  Utilities    

Applet:  PM Report Designer    

Tab:  Settings


Description: The Settings Tab


Settings Tab descriptions Below


Organizational Units


No Org - When checked projects owning org unit is not used as a filter


Org Path - When entered, projects owned by this org path are included.


Include Org Children - When checked, projects owned by children of the entered org path are included.


Org Code/Level - When checked, projects with the same org code at the same level as that entered in the next two fields are included.


Org Code - Org code to include


Org Level - Org level to include




Check For Activity - When checked, only projects with activity as specified in the following options are included.


Cost Transactions - When checked, only cost transactions are evaluated.


All Transactions - When checked, all transactions from all journals are evaluated.


Start Date - Start date for activity checking.


End Date - End date for activity checking.




Unsubmitted Time - When checked, unsubmitted time is included.


Unapproved Time - When checked, unapproved time is included.


Grand Total - When checked, report grand total will print.


Roll Up Nodes - When checked, project roll-up nodes will print.


Work Breakdown Structure - When checked, project WBS below the bill terms project will print.


Date Range Evaluation Methods Non-Labor


Transaction Date - When checked, the transaction date is used for date range evaluation of non-labor transactions.


G/L Period End Date - When checked, the transaction period end date is used for date range evaluation of labor transactions.


Date Range Evaluation Methods Labor


Transaction Date - When checked the transaction date will be used for date range evaluation of labor transactions.


G/L Period End Date - When checked the transaction period end date will be used for date range evaluation of labor transactions.


Print Expanded - Project Management reports use drill down and are rendered in a collapsed mode. However, when Print Expanded is checked, all drill downs are expanded. To see the details within the drill down areas in a printed hard copy of the report, check this option.


View Data - To export the raw data of the report to Excel without including headers, footers, and grouping areas (i.e., a two-dimensional listing), click on the View Data button to achieve this. The report data will appear in a grid that can then be exported.