Team Leaders Tab

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Module:  Utilities    

Applet:  PM Report Designer    

Tab: Team Leaders


Description: The Team Leaders Tab


Settings Tab descriptions Below



Project Accountants - Project accountants to include; if empty, filter is not used.


Project Managers - Project managers to include; if empty, filter is not used.


Principals - Project principals to include; if empty, filter is not used.


Projects - Projects to include; if empty, filter is not used. You can also select all projects based on a Roll-up Node.


Clients - Project clients to include; if empty, filer is not used.


Print Expanded - Project Management reports use drill down and are rendered in a collapsed mode. However, when Print Expanded is checked, all drill downs are expanded. To see the details within the drill down areas in a printed hard copy of the report, check this option.


View Data - To export the raw data of the report to Excel without including headers, footers, and grouping areas (i.e., a two-dimensional listing), click on the View Data button to achieve this. The report data will appear in a grid that can then be exported.