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Module:  Project Management    

Applet:  Project Planning    

Tab:  Toolbar


Description: The Project Planning Toolbar gives the user (If given the appropriate permissions) numerous capabilities within the Journals of InFocus. Below is a list of those Capabilities.

File Button


Dashboard - Opens up the Dashboard.
New Plan - Creates a new Project Plan.
New Plan from Template - Creates a new Project Plan from a WBS Template.
Delete - Deletes the current plan.
Copy - Copies the current plan.
Logout - Logs the user out of InFocus.
Exit - Exits InFocus.


Edit Button


Preferences - This is where you set the project preferences. Go to the Preferences section for details.


View Button



Options - Displays/Hides the selection options in the header section of project planning.


Gantt - The Gantt tab displays projects (WBS) dates in an interactive Gantt chart. Go to the Gantt section for details.


Project Figures - (Project Figures Report) Shows As of the Moment project metrics for a given project to all its WBs levels. It automatically filters based on project leader designation. Employees with a designation of Project Accountant can see all projects. By        default, this report shows labor cost as zero.


Tools Button



Save as Baseline - Click this to save the budgeted amounts as the baseline for the project.


Recalculate Rates - Allows you to recalculate rates for Allocations, Scheduled, and ETC.