Understanding the InFocus Interface

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Understanding InFocus

Description: The InFocus Interface is designed to be a user-friendly work environment that allows you to navigate from one screen (applet) to another. Below are the major features of the InFocus Interface:


Toolbar (Help) - Under the Toolbar help selection, you have the following choices:

Change Password - Here you can change your current user password.
About - This gives you current information about InFocus (Version, Server Name, etc.)
Manual - This links you to the InFocus User's Manual.
Support - Here you have two options: 1) Client Log-in - This takes you to the InFocus support website 2) Remote Desktop - This takes you to the Clearview Software WebEx meeting website.





Modules - are considered to be the "Main Menu". You click the Modules first to get to the Applets.
Applets -  are the sub-categories of the Modules. You click the Applets to get to the Applet Screens.
Applet Screens - are the actual work spaces of each Applet.
Toolbar - Your typical Toolbar that has features used throughout InFocus (ie., New, Save, etc).

  Different Applets have different capabilities that pop up in the Toolbar.



Infocus Interface