Convert Expense Sheets To Journal Entries Accounts Payable>Employee Reimbursables |
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Overview How to convert expense sheets to journal entries.
Step 1 - Select the Create Emp. Reim. Transactions from Employee Expense Sheet Transactions option in the Tools menu in the Employee Reimbursable Journal toolbar.
Step 2 - You will be presented with a Generate Transactions pop-up window.
Search Criteria - Use this tab to filter available expense sheets and to establish posting accounts. When deriving G/L accounts from base accounts the system will first attempt to use the Employee Profit Center and if unsuccessful then the Project Profit Center. Fields
Step 3 - Once all information has been filled out click on Load Expense Sheets. The Expense Tab will now be activated. A grid appears with all unprocessed expense sheet line items. You can now flag which line items should be processed. The first column, Action, is a drop-down list of possible actions for the respective row. The actions are:
Step 4 - Once all entries have been made, click on Post Expense Sheets to E/R. You will then be prompted for the G/L period and invoice date. Fill these out and click Ok. The transaction is now created.
Note: If batch entries are enabled (Global Settings), you will also be prompted for a batch ID. If you want to see the created transaction, use the journal lookup. When you get a list of transactions, sort the list in descending order on the Transaction ID columns. The largest transaction ID will be the newly created transaction. (Or press F3 in the lookup for a list of the most recent transactions.) |