Post Tab Accounts Payable>E/R Check Writing

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In the Post tab, a user can print, post, or void checks. The grid on the top of the Post tab is the check queue. When you first enter this tab, the system will display a list of checks that have been prepared to be printed. The normal operation is to first print the checks. Once you have the printed the check, a flag will appear next to the check in the check queue. You can now print labels and long stubs for all checks that are flagged as printed. Finally, you post the checks. Checks will be posted only for checks flagged as printed or voided. Once the checks have been posted they are removed from the queue.


Note: In the case of printer jams you may need to void or reprint checks. The grid at the bottom of the screen retains the list of voided checks.


Post Tab (Field descriptions listed below)




Check Queue


Printed - When selected, the check is considered printed.


Firm - Vendor. Read only.


Memo - Check memo to print on check face. Can be edited when check printed flag is not set.


Check Num - Check number. Read Only


Check Amount - Check amount. Read only





Void - When selected, a check range can be entered to have voided. All checks in the range will move from the check queue to the void log and new check numbers will be assigned in their stead. Voids will get posted along with regular checks. You cannot move a void back into the check queue without starting over.


Print Test Check - Print test check should be done to plain paper and held over a check against a light source to verify alignment. Test checks do not generate a void.


Print Long Stubs - When selected, a long stub will print for every check marked printed that has exceeded a maximum number of reimbursements.


Print Labels - When selected, mailing labels will print for every check marked printed. This is optional and used when windowed envelopes are not used.


Print Checks - Prints all checks not flagged as printed and then marks them printed.


Print EFTs - Prints all EFT checks.


Post -  Posts all checks flagged as printed.  It also enters the voids in the Disbursements Journal. Removes posted items from the queue and the void log.