Project Admin Tab Administration>Global Settings

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Settings on this tab affect the setup of Projects. (Field Descriptions Below)




Default Labor Multipliers


Direct Personal Expense (DPE) - Default DPE multiplier for projects.


Overhead - Default overhead multiplier for projects. If only a combined multiplier is used, use this and set DPE and Profit to 1.


Profit - Default profit multiplier for projects.


Direct Non-Labor Multipliers


Other Direct Charges (ODC) - Default ODC multiplier for projects.


Out-Of-Contract-Consultants (OCC) - Default OCC multiplier for projects.


Default Rate Schedules


Direct Job Cost - Default job cost rate schedule for direct projects.


Direct Bill - Default bill rate schedule for direct projects.


Indirect Job Cost - Default job cost rate schedule for indirect projects.


Indirect Bill - Default bill rate schedule for indirect projects.


Opportunity Job Cost - Default job cost rate schedule for opportunity-type projects.


Opportunity Bill - Default bill rate schedule for opportunity-type projects.




Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - Character that delimits or separates the codes at different levels of the WBS. It is used for separation between all codes except for the roll-up node of a project. This character cannot be contained in any code.


Example. 9801-10-A would represent project 9801 phase 10 task A with a hyphen used as the delimiter.


Project Name - Character that separates the project names at different levels of the WBS.


Rollup Node - Character that delimits a rollup node from the project node. It can use the same delimiter as the rest of the WBS. It cannot be contained in any code.


Example. 9801.01-10-A would represent rollup 9801 project 01 phase 10 task A with a hyphen used as the WBS delimiter and a period used as the rollup delimiter.



Profit Centers


Project Sharing Profit Center Level - Organization level at which profit sharing can be assigned.


Example - Office or department or division.


Allow multiple profit centers per project - Enables profit sharing between profit centers within a project.



Labor Codes


Required by Default Check Box - When checked, Labor Codes are required by default.


Default Opportunity Bill Status - Here you can select the Default Bill Status for Opportunity projects.  These features do not limit the statuses; they simply specify the default value on a new transaction.