Opportunities Marketing>Opportunities

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Opportunities are a specific type of project. Opportunities are typically a marketing effort. To learn more about this applet, check out the video tutorial on our website (www.clearviewsoftware.net)


Active Status - Filters your Contacts by their status.

Marketing Lists - A marketing list is a named list of either Contacts, Firms, or Opportunities. Additionally, we’ve added the ability to customize the columns for Contacts and Opportunities in addition to Firms. To learn more about the changes click here.

Views - “Marketing” Views allow you to save the current Filter settings of the marketing screen that you are on.  You can filter to your data quickly and see the information in a way that is most useful to the user.  They are available only in Contacts, Firms, and Opportunities.  To use Marketing Views, go to one of the three applets and you will see a "Views" drop-down.

Quick Filter - This will filter your Contacts by the entered characters.

About Opportunities:

Time and expense can be charged to Opportunities. Opportunities are treated as indirect projects.


The Opportunity Applet is a streamlined view of Opportunity projects. Opportunities can also be accessed from the main Project Setup Applet.


The Opportunity Applet exposes certain columns of a project that are relevant to Opportunity projects. For instance, billing/invoice information does not appear because it is not applicable.


The navigation for the Opportunity applet is a grid. Click on any column header to either sort by that columns or to filter by that column.


Clicking on a row in the grid will bring up the Opportunity Detail screen for that opportunity.



Columns Button - The Columns Button allows a user to select only those columns you wish to view.  A checkbox labeled "Set As Global Default" (Permission) allows that user to set a default view for all users that use this Marketing List.

Email Button - The Email button Brings up an email window that allow you to create an email to send to everyone in the Marketing List.

Import Button - The Export Button allows the user to export the list to a file.


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