Right-Click on Project (In Edit Project Stucture Mode) Project Administration>Projects

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When you right click on the project (In Edit Project Structure Mode), you have the following options:

Project Options 2

1)Add/Copy/Cut - Here you may Add, Copy, or Cut a section of the project structure.
2)Paste - Once you have cut or copied a part of the project, you can paste it to another section of the project.
3)Merge - This is no longer being used.  A Move Project Transactions applet has been added to the Project Administration module that can be used to move all transactions from one phase to another.
4)Cancel - This will cancel the current action.
5)Delete - This will delete the section of the project that has been selected.
6)Rename - This will allow the user to rename the section of the project that has been selected.
7)Apply WBS Template - This allows you to apply a WBS template to the current project.
8)Attach Existing Roll-up - This allows you to apply an existing roll-up to the current project.
9)Create Roll-up Node - This allows you to create a new roll-up to attach to the current project.
10) Detach Roll-up Node - This allows you to remove the roll-up that is attached to the current project.