Purchase Journal Administration>Permissions>Special Rights

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Here is a List and Description of the Special Rights that can be granted for this Module:

Special Permissions.The following special rights can be granted for the Purchase Journal applet.


Change Key field - When checked, the user can change the transaction key fields, as well as the vender and invoice number.


Change Period - When checked, the user can change the period of a transaction without leaving an audit trail.


Create Recurring Entries - When checked, the user can create an entry that is recurring for a given number of cycles.


Edit Grid - When checked, the user can edit information in the grid if he does not already have the Standard Edit right checked for the Employee Reimbursable journal. Not checking the Standard Edit, but instead checking the Edit Grid right, allows Accounts Receivable personnel to modify transaction line items without affecting the overall balance or header information of the transaction. When the Standard Edit is already checked, the Edit Grid right is of no consequence.


Show/Post Unposted Transactions - When checked, the user can see and post all unposted transactions regardless of user who entered transaction.