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Global Settings


The root setup of IMC is completed in Administration>Global Settings applet from the Currency tab. Therein Base System Currency and Multi-Currency functionality is defined.




Base System Currency


This defines the base currency InFocus operates from. All systems will have one base currency. This is the currency that all companies within a single database will consolidate to. Although this setting defaults to the U.S. Dollar (USD), it can be customized to reflect any given company's base operating currency.

Culture - Configures the base culture the business is operating in and drives system report formats.
Symbol - Represents the system wide currency symbol.
Code - International three character monetary code. This important setting drives the import of system exchange rates.
Name - Required Field containing the selected culture's currency name.
Precision - Defines columns to the right of the decimal place and drives system rounding. Example: Precision 2 rounds to the nearest hundredth (5.248 = 5.25).
Unit - Represents the smallest unit in the selected currency. Example: For U.S. Dollars, 1 represents the Penny (the system will round to the nearest penny).
Major Denomination - Defines the singular and plural cases for check printing. For example, USD major labels are "dollar" and "dollars".
Minor Denomination - Defines the singular and plural cases for check printing. For example, USD minor labels are "cent" and "cents".




This section is only defined when the system should operate across multiple currencies. The configurations herein define the dates that drive configured exchange rates for sub ledger journals.


Use Multi-Currency - Sets the system to operate across multiple currencies.
Default Evaluation Date Settings


oTransaction Date - Journal based MC Effective date
oPeriod End Date - End date of the G/L Period of the transaction
oPeriod Start Date - Start date of the G/L Period of the transaction
oToday's Date - The system date of the transaction