Analytic Dashboards

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Analytic Dashboards are designed with the Analytic Dashboard Designer (UT>Analytic Dashboard Designer).


Once created, Analytic Dashboards are managed here, in the Analytic Dashboards applet (UT>Analytic Dashboards). Similar to other reporting applets, Analytic Dashboards allow you to Edit, Copy, Delete, Import and Export your dashboard. Other management options include activate/deactivate, grouping, titles, etc.


Additionally, designer permissions can be granted for others to work with the dashboard design.



Key Concepts


Below is a discussion of key concepts to understand when managing Analytic Dashboards.




Analytic Dashboards consist of data and design. Permissions granted here are for purposes of editing designs.


That said, when given access to edit a design, that user will inherently have access to work with the data source connection information and query contained in the design definition.




Analytic Dashboards are comprised by a dashboard definition, which, at a high-level, consists of the design definition (XML), data source connection information and the query.


When exported, these attributes are packaged into a .dashboard file which can be then imported.


While this is a powerful feature for sharing dashboards, it should be used with caution as the .dashboard file contains data source connection and query information. Granting permission to work with an imported dashboard, effectively grants permission to view and work with the underlying query/data.


Use Case


This feature could be used, for instance, if you run InFocus across multiple databases and wish to share dashboard designs between them.




While imported dashboards expose the attribute definitions needed to design and consume the dashboard view, it does not expose the data source or query to the applets used for managing them (e.g. Global Settings and Dashboard Queries Manager respectively).




Grouping helps in the organization of dashboard views for display purposes in the Dashboard applet. For instance, it may be helpful to group different views by type of analysis (e.g. Financials, Utilization, Project Analysis, etc.).


Grouping can be established while designing (via Analytic Dashboard Designer) and subsequently edited here as needed. Changing the grouping, will directly impact how the dashboard view is displayed on the Dashboard.



Field Descriptions




File/Help - Lists standard InFocus File and Help options




Save - Saves changes made to loaded dashboard
Edit - Loads the dashboard in to the Analytic Dashboard Designer applet for editing
Copy - Copies the loaded dashboard. Similar to custom reports, this feature can be used for test-editing or to begin building a new dashboards with similar dashboard items already created.
Delete - Deletes the loaded dashboard
Import - Imports a previously exported dashboard definition
Export - Exports the dashboard definition to a .dashboard file.
Refresh - Refreshes the applet


Dashboard Views List Pane


Located on the left hand side of the applet, the Dashboard Views List Pane lists all available dashboard views. Saving a dashboard view when designing via the Analytic Dashboard Designer, adds the dashboard to this list.


Group label - Grouping assigned during Save dialogue in Analytic Dashboard Designer
Active - Check if the Dashboard view should be available to other users
Name - Name of the dashboard view


Settings & Permissions Pane


Below is a list of ways dashboard views can be configured.


Active - Check if the Dashboard view should be available to other users
Run Synchronously - Defaults to True. When False, dashboard performance may suffer, but individual components load and render asynchronously.
Allow Action Processing - Certain Dashboard Items can be configured to process Actions when interacting with the item. For more information on using Actions with Analytic Dashboards, please contact Clearview Support.
Grouping - Groups the dashboard view and is used when displaying Analytic Dashboards in the Dashboards applet. This can be overwritten or left blank.
Auto Refresh - Sets how often the dashboard view should refresh
Dashboard Name - Internal name
Title - Title seen when presented in the Dashboard applet.
Designer Permissions - Grants permissions for groups and/or users to edit the dashboard view.
Project Central Permissions - Permissions Granted here grant access to Analytic dashboards in Project Central to be used in place of the Chart Pack layout. More on Project Central Configuration with Analytic Dashboards
Description tab - Enter a description for the dashboard view