PC Analytic Dashboard Setup

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Project Central Supports using Analytic Dashboards in place of the standard Chart Pack Dashboard view. This section walks through the setup process for Analytic Dashboards to be





To begin working with Analytic Dashboards in Project Central, you'll assign Project Central Permissions to the appropriate groups and/or users.


Those Permissions can be added in the following location:


Analytic Dashboards





Please complete the steps below to grant access permissions as appropriate.


1.Browse to Utilities> Analytic Dashboards> Project Central Permissions Tab
2.Double click on the Analytic Dashboard that you want to give permissions to.
3.Select the Users and/or Groups you wish to grant permissions to.
4.Once the permissions have been selected, click Save.


Note: Check the "Supports Multiple Projects" Check-box, if you have developed an Analytic Dashboard using a Model that supports Multi-Selecting projects. Technically speaking, the "Where Clause" on the SQL Query must be able to process a comma delimited list of ProjectIDs. Otherwise, the dashboard will select one project at a time.





To switch your dashboard to an Analytic Dashboard in Project Central, follow these instructions.


Note: The permission steps above have to be done before these steps.


Please complete the steps below to grant access permissions as appropriate.


1.Browse to Project Management> Project Central
2.On the toolbar, click Configure Charts.
3.At the Top-Right of the pop-up, click the button labeled Analytic Dashboard and check Load next to the AD you would like to view.
4.Click Apply and the Dashboard will be loaded.