Bank Reconciliation Header General Accounting>Bank Reconciliation

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The Header of Bank Reconciliation contains important information that pertains to the Bank Rec session that is pulled up.

Field Descriptions


Bank - The bank account the user wants to reconcile. More on Chart of Accounts


Statement Date

Statement Date - The bank statement date.
Bank Rec ID - Current Bank Reconciliation with which the user is working.



Comments - Internal comments.
Balance Forward - Calculated from prior bank statements. This is the ending balance from the previous bank statement.
Ending Balance - The account’s balance forward, including all current cleared items. After a Bank Reconciliation, this becomes the new balance forward for the next statement.



Cleared - When selected, only items that have been flagged as Cleared will show in the grids.
Uncleared - When selected, only items that have NOT been flagged as Cleared will show in the grids.


Uncleared Transactions

Show All - When selected, all uncleared transaction will show in the grids, ignoring the dates.
Show As Of - When selected, all uncleared transaction will show in the grids, As Of the selected date.
None - When selected, no uncleared transaction will show in the grids.


Transaction Totals

Description - The Transaction Totals, located on the right, give the user the running totals of Bank Rec. Transactions

Cleared - The running total of items that have been flagged as Cleared.
Uncleared - The running total of items that have NOT been flagged as Cleared.
Total - The total of both the Cleared and Uncleared items.