Columns Index

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Throughout the Purchasing module, you'll find a similar set of columns available to the base grids used by the related applets. Below is a list of definitions:



Field Descriptions


Standard Columns


Current (button) - Displays the current version of the Purchase Order (default)
Original (button) - Displays the originally Issued version of the Purchase Order
Line Num - Row number in the grid
Item - Item Code. Optional. Click the lookup for a list of available Items.
Quantity - Quantity, used to calculate Extended cost (e.g. Quantity * Unit Price). Required.
Unit - User definable Unit Type, configured in AD>List Management.
Unit Price - Price per Unit (e.g. $10.00 / Each, $100.00 / Dozen, $1500.00 / Day, etc.)
Extended - Cost extension (e.g. Quantity * Unit Price)
Description - Line-item description. Appears on Purchase Order report
Comments - Comments to appear on the Purchase Order report
Project Path - Project to be charged once Converted to Purchase Journal
Expense Code - Expense Code to govern line-item attributes when Converted to Purchase Journal (e.g. Markup, Direct G/L Base Code, etc.)
G/L Account - G/L Account to charge when Converted to Purchase Journal
Approved - Line-item approval status
Received - Line-item receipt status


Additional Columns


Below are additional columns available by clicking the column chooser (gear icon).


Extended (Rounded) - Cost extension, rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Approved By - User who approved the line item
Approved Date - Date approved
Approver Emp ID - Employee ID (internal) of the user who approved the line item
Approver Empname - Employee Name of the user who approved the line item
Approver Emp Code - Employee Code of the user who approved the line item
Base Cost XRate - Cost Exchange Rate in Base System Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Base Ext Cost Amount - Cost extension in Base System Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Base Ext Cost Amount Rnd - Cost extension, rounded to the nearest hundredth in Base System Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Comp Cost XRate - Cost Exchange Rate in Company Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Comp Ext Cost Amount - Cost extension in Company Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Comp Ext Cost Amount Rnd - Cost extension, rounded to the nearest hundredth in Company Currency (Multi-Currency only)
Create By - User who created the record
Create Date - Date created
Do Not Summarize - Used to indicate if matching line-items should not be summarized into one line. Defaults to False (e.g. by default matching lines will be summarized).
ECID - Expense Code ID
ECname - Expense Code Name
GLID - G/L Account ID
GLname - G/L Account Name
Note - Internal notes
Item ID - Item ID
Last Reject Date - Date stamp of latest rejection
Last Rejection Reason - Reason for latest rejection
Modify By - User who last modified the record
Modify Date - Last date modified
PJLineID - Linked Purchase Journal Line ID. Established when processing Convert to Purchase Journal or by manually linking via AP>Purchase Journal>Link PO.
POItem Approval Status ID - Approval Status internal ID associated with the line item
POItem Approval Status Code - Approval Status Code associated with the line item
POItem Receipt Status ID - Receipt Status internal ID associated with the line item
Project ID - Project ID associated with the line item
Projectname - Project Name
Project Code - Project Code
Line - Internal line ID
Project Long Name - Concatenated project name (e.g. Million Dollar Bridge-Schematic Design-Task 1)
Purchase Order ID - Purchase Order ID associated with the line item
Purchase Order Name - PO Name associated with the line item
Submit By - User who submitted the Purchase Order
Submit Date - Date the Purchase Order was submitted
Transmit By - User who Issued the Purchase Order
Transmit Date - Date the Purchase Order was Issued
Unit Typename - Unit Type Name
Vendor Name - Vendor name
Expense Name - Expense Code Name
Direct Name - Direct Base Account Name
Overhead Name - Overhead Base Account Name
Require All Approval Rules - Indicates if an Item requires all approval rules to be met to enforce approvals
Ven ID - Vendor ID
Received By - User who marked the line-item received
Received Date - Date the line-item was received