Filters Index

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Throughout the Purchasing module, you'll find a similar set of filters used for searching and loading records. Below is a list of definitions.



Field Descriptions


Clear (button) - Clears all filters
Run (button) - Performs a search of existing Purchase Order line-items based on the designated filters
Purchase Order Number - Filters by specified Purchase Order Number. Available to Purchase Order Management applet only.
oPO Date - Filters results based on From/Through PO Dates
oRequired By Date - Filters results based on From/Through Required By dates
Status - Shows all Purchase Order line-items with the designated statuses
oOpen - Completion Status = Open
oClosed - Completion Status = Closed
oUnsubmitted - Approval Status = Unsubmitted
oSubmitted - Approval Status = Submitted
oApproved - Approval Status = Approved
oRejected - Approval Status = Rejected
oReceived - Receipt Status = Received
oReceived Partial - Receipt Status = Received Partial
oNot Received - Receipt Status = Not Received
Staff - Filters results based on staff assignments. Not available to My Purchase Orders applet.
oMine - Purchase Orders for which the logged in user is the creator
oWhere I'm Approver - Purchase Orders for which the logged in user is an approver
oWhere I'm Delegate - Purchase Orders for which the logged in user is a delegate
Requester and Approver
oRequester - Filters results based on selected requester
oPO Approver - Filters results based on selected approver
Issue Status - Filters results based on a selected issue status
oVendor - Filters results based on a selected vendor
oVendor Address - Filters results based on a selected vendor address
Ship To
oAddress Type - Filters results based on a selected address type
oAddress - Filters results based on selected ship to addresses (supports up to two)
By Item - Purchase Orders that include the selected Item
oItem Only - Returns only the lines that include the selected Item
oPO with items - Returns all lines from Purchase Orders that include a line for the selected Item
oProject Leader - Purchase Orders that include projects to which the selected Project Leader is assigned
Item Only - Returns only the lines that include the selected Project Leader
PO with items - Returns all lines from Purchase Orders that include a line for the selected Project Leader
oMy Projects - Purchase Orders that include projects to which the logged in user is assigned as a Project Leader
oInclude Templates - Include line-items from Purchase Orders marked as a Template
Required by Date - Filters results using a date range against Purchase Order Required By setting
PO Date - Filters results using a date range against Purchase Order Date setting