Marketing Tab Marketing>Contacts

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The Marketing Tab contains marketing information specific to the selected Contact.



Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the Marketing Tab.


Email Subscriptions


Gift - Receives a holiday gift
Email - Receives email marketing pieces
Mailing - Receives mailed marketing materialWork Phone - Work phone
Newsletter - Receives a newsletter
Holiday Card - Receives a holiday card


Lead Source


Lead Source - Name of the source who generated the lead. Lead sources are useful for marketing purposes and, therefore, generally used with firm contacts. Lead sources refer to where this contact was for (for example, a magazine, trade show, etc.). A User Defined Field. The Lead Source list is managed under Administration>List Management>Lead Sources.




Social Activity - The contact’s favorite social activity. A User Defined Field. The Social Activity list is managed under Administration>List Management>Social Types
Sports Activity - The contact’s favorite sports activity. A User Defined Field. The Sport Activity list is managed under Administration>List Management>Sport Types.
Gift - The type of gift the contact should receive. A User Defined Field. The Gift Type list is managed under Administration>List Management>Gift Types.
Event - The type of event the contact should be invited to. A User Defined Field. The Event Type list is managed under Administration>List Management>Event Types.