Personal Tab Marketing>Contacts

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The Personal Tab contains personal information specific to the selected Contact.



Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the Personal Tab.


Email & Phone


Work Phone - Work phone


Work Ext. - Work phone extension


Home Phone - Home telephone number


Mobile Phone - Mobile phone number


Fax - Fax number


Work Email - Work email address associated with the Firm.  The Marketing Email functionality uses this email if configured correctly. More on Marketing Emails


Home Email - Home email address associated with the Firm.  The Marketing Email functionality uses this email if configured correctly. More on Marketing Emails



Home Address


Street 1 - Address line 1


Street 2 - Address line 2


Street 3 - Address line 3


Street 4 - Address line 4


Phone - Telephone number


City - City


State - State


Zip/Postal - Zip code


Country - Country


Phone - Telephone number


Fax - Fax number