Notes Tab Marketing>Contacts

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Notes can be entered against a Contacts, Firms, and Projects (including Opportunities). More on Notes



Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the Notes Tab.

** Indicates a required field


Note Details

Comment - Body of the Note
Note Type - Type of Note Posting (ex. Phone Call, Meeting, E-Mail, Appointment, Lunch, and Dinner are the choices). A User Defined Field. The Note Type list is managed under Administration>List Management>Contact Note Types
Firm - Firm associated with the note.
Project - Project associated with the note.


Add a follow-up Activity?

Add - Create a a follow-up activity that appears on the Activity Calendar. More on Activities
Require Complete - When checked, the follow-up activity shows up on the Activity calendar until it is marked complete.
Type - Type of Activity. A User Defined Field. The Activity Type list is managed under Administration>List Management>Activity Types
Date - Date of follow-up Activity.
Time - Time of follow-up Activity.
Duration - Duration of follow-up Activity.


Existing Notes

Notes associated with the Contacts, Firms, or Projects that have been created.  Double-click on them to bring into focus.