Cash Requirements

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This report allows you to run an outstanding payables report, filtering by a Due Date range.


Note: This report filters by the Due Date on the Transactions. So when you select a Start Due Date and an End Due Date, those will be compared to the Due Date on the transaction to filter the data.


Data: Figures come from the following:

 Invoiced - Purchase Journal

Paid - looks at both the Disbursement and Receipt Journals




Date Ranges

Start & End Due Dates - Start Due Date and an End Due Date are compared to the Due Date on the transaction to filter the data.



A/P Base Account - Allows you to filter the transactions in the report by the AP G/L Account.
A/P Org. Unit -  Allows you to filter the transactions by the Organizational Unit associated with the AP G/L Account.
Include Consultants - When selected, Vendors with the "Consultant" check-box checked in the Vendor File will be included in the results of the report.
Group by Due Date - When selected, the report is grouped by the Due Date on the transactions.
Show Invoices - When selected, the report will display the Invoice Detail on the report.
Transaction Currency - The Currency Code to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency




Report Columns

Invoice Number - The Invoice Number from the Purchase Journal.
TransID - The Purchase Journal ID number. This can be used when searching for the Journal.
Due Date - The Due Date of the Invoice (Purchase Journal).  This is the date that is being used to filter when selecting the Start & End Due Dates.
Invoice Date - The Invoice Date of the Purchase Journal.
Invoiced - The Cost amount that was invoiced by the Vendor.
Paid - The amount paid to the vendor (Disbursement Journal).
Balance - Invoiced minus Paid.

