Change Orders

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The Change Orders Report shows all Change Orders (approved/unapproved) that have been submitted against all projects (active/inactive) for a given date range. Note: Change Orders are Requested in Project Planning> Projects window.  More on Change Orders


Note: This report honors Project Roles Filtering. Form more details read this article CLICK HERE.




Date Ranges

Change Order Start Date - Beginning Date used to filter the work orders that are brought into this report.
Change Order End Date - Ending Date used to filter the work orders that are brought into this report.




Project - Allows you to filter to a specific Project. When blank, All Projects are returned.
Change Order # - The Change Order Number can be entered to select a specific Change Order. When blank, or 0, all Change Orders are returned.
Active Projects Only - When selected, only Active projects are returned in the report.
Project Currency - The Project Currency to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency




Report Columns

Project - Project Code and Name
Status - Status of the Work Order
C.O.# - The Change Order Number
Date - The Date of the Change Order
Detail - Description of the Work Order
Labor - Labor Budget Amount Requested with the Change Order.
ODC - ODC (Other Direct Charges) Budget Amount Requested with the Change Order.
OCC - OCC (Out of Contract Consultants) Budget Amount Requested with the Change Order.
ICC - ICC (In Contract Consultants) Budget Amount Requested with the Change Order.
Total - The total of the above Budget Amounts Requested with the Change Order.


